Internet Network Marketing Tips and Training for Recruiting Success

It doesn’t really matter what your product line is, there is an internet network marketing angle to every opportunity. Certainly some companies and products are more internet-friendly than others, but I suspect you’ll find that the internet network marketing tips and training ideas on this page will work just about anywhere. Ready? Let’s dive in…

Internet Network Marketing Tips

You probably came here looking for technical internet network marketing tips. The reality is that most of the work you need to do is probably in your head and on your strategy. Ask yourself honestly if you are doing the following three things.

Be Guided by Conversions

Internet network marketing isn’t about making friends or being liked. It is about results and the numbers never lie. You must allow yourself to be guided by the conversion numbers. Every tweak you make, every blog post your write, every new traffic source you investigate needs to be laser-focused on increasing your internet network marketing conversions. NOTE: This is especially true for all you social butterflies spending all day on Facebook.

Be the Best Version of Yourself

Being true to yourself is definitely good advice, but in internet network marketing you need to be the best version of yourself. This is the version of you that puts on nice clothes and selects an attractive background for a video. This is the version of you that skips a $40 dinner and movie so you can have a professional header graphic designed. It is the version of you that fixes your spelling and grammar mistakes in your writing. People can spot a fake a mile away, but they can also spot a business owner that doesn’t care enough to put the best foot forward.

Focus on One Traffic Strategy

If you run an internet network marketing business then you need traffic. But which method should you choose? PPC? SEO? Email? Banner Ads? Pop-ups? Pop-unders? Facebook? Twitter? Need I list more? You can go absolute bonkers (and broke) trying to become an expert at all these methods simultaneously. You need to investigate all the options and have enough information to choose one internet network marketing traffic source to start with. Don’t move on to method two until you have 300 or more monthly visitors from method one. If you are currently pursuing more than one method, stop. Pick one. Seriously, pick one and become a master at it. Mine is SEO. What’s yours?

Internet Network Marketing Training

When I bought my first internet network marketing training course it was created by an internet network marketer. It was notably not created by a long-time network marketer or a long-time internet marketer. Why is that important?

I’ve found that the pure network marketers offer the best training on the closing skills and leadership skills needed to succeed in any network marketing business. The pure internet marketers offer the best training on website design, seo and traffic generation.

There are a small, small handful of internet network marketers that are really able to teach both sides at an acceptable standard. After all people psychology and website technology are two totally different realms of knowledge. When you start looking for training programs you should really approach it like a pyramid.

  • Learn network marketing – has been around for over a hundred years
  • Learn internet marketing – has been around for 15ish years
  • Learn internet network marketing – has been around for ~3 years in a big way.

In categories 1 and 2 there are several options we could recommend. In addition to checking out our recommended generalist trainers below you’ll probably want to learn motivation from a great motivator and seo from a great seo expert.

In category 3 there is one trainer we believe to be superior. He has reached the pinnacle of the pyramid because he is able to teach the people-side and technical-side of internet network marketing equally well. This is a rare gift. You’ll find lots of self-proclaimed gurus running around, but this is the real deal.

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