Network Marketing Companies Research Guide

Looking for information on network marketing companies? The landscape of companies is always changing, so it would be pointless to create blog post with a list of network marketing companies since it would be outdated tomorrow. Instead, we created this post to point you toward reliable, up-to-the-minute lists and directories of network marketing companies.

Where to Get Network Marketing Companies Directory or List


The Direct Selling Association (DSA) is the national trade association for direct selling, mlm and network marketing companies. Membership in DSA is optional for network marketing companies and requires that member companies adhere to a code of ethics surrounding their product quality and marketing practices. The list of network marketing companies on the DSA website is great resource for companies adhering to the highest industry standards.

The list is searchable by industry, compensation structure, sales strategy, country, and product line. Find the searchable list at

Better Networker

Better Networker is sort of like a mini-LinkedIn website for network marketers. You can create a profile, make friends, share blog posts and links, and join the conversation about your mlm company. Unlike DSA, Better Networker relies on user-generated content so you can get opinions about the compensation plan, products and sales support directly from the current distributors and reps. The great thing about the list of network marketing companies on Better Networker is that it is remarkably current and includes almost all the small and start-up companies. Since the content is user-generated, there is a first-mover advantage to being the first to list a new network marketing company on the site. Make sure you read the comments with a skeptical eye, since people use this site not just to collaborate, but also to recruit. The company list can be found at

Where to Get Network Marketing Companies Rankings

Inc 500. and Fortune 500

Large and fast-growing network marketing companies will be listed alongside major companies following other business models in company ranking lists produced by Inc. Magazine or Fortune. Fortune publishes a list of the top 5000 global companies by revenue. Inc. publishes an annual list of the 500 fastest growing companies. Both lists often contain anywhere between 3 and 8% network marketing companies. These types of establish business ranking lists are a great way to demonstrate to prospects that the company is stable, large and legal. You can visit the magazine’s visit or go to your local bookstore to get the business rankings issue.

For rankings specific to network marketing companies, check out the lists made available by In addition to ranking network marketing companies, they also rank top income earners, and top mlm trainers. The network marketing companies are ranked by revenue, by momentum, by number of distributors and more. You can also quickly research pending lawsuits and pre-launch network marketing companies.

In most cases they only make a portion of each list available for free as teaser content. Some of the full lists require a membership. Despite the modest cost, if you really need ranking data, this is the place to get it. Click to visit the network marketing companies rankings.

Did we miss a resource? Please help future readers of this article by sharing any other tips or resources for finding lists, directories or rankings of network marketing companies.

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