Network Marketing Success Stories and Strategies

Network marketing is well over one hundred years old as a marketing method. With this kind of history, you can be sure that there is a standard playbook for network marketing success. While technology has made many of the tasks of network marketing faster, the fundamentals of network marketing success remain unchanged. In this article we explore some of the great network marketing success stories of the ages to see what we can learn from each.

ZigZiglar – All Around Network Marketing Success Legend

ZigZiglar is a legend in network marketing. In addition to find substantial success in the industry, he is a major trainer and motivator. His multiple books, audio trainings and network marketing success tips are available all over the world in hundreds of languages. He is known in the industry as “the quintessential motivational genius of his time.” He gets leaders leading, teams producing and money rolling in always with a massive smile on his face. He’s had 10 best-selling books and his work is available in twenty-eight languages. Now that is a serious network marketing success story! If you don’t have any of his work in your collection, start with the classic book “See You at the Top”.

Daegan Smith – The King of Never Calling a Single Lead

DaeganSmith is the mastermind behind the highly successful Maximum Leverage training program forinternet network marketing success. His is a modern-day, success story made possible through the internet. Daegan is the self-proclaimed king of never calling a single lead. So how do you build a successful network marketing business without talking to your prospects? The Internet of course.Daegan has perfected the art of having people know, like and trust you without ever having met you in person or even spoken to you. He has a thriving network marketing business of his own, and a massively popular network marketing training program. His free video training is unparalleled in the industry and his email newsletter is always a joy to read. You can pick up both here.

Todd Falcone – Network Marketing Mastery

Actually talking to prospects is the more traditional and accepted route to network marketing success. But what should you say? How do you explain the network marketing business model? How do you answer the most common objections? How do you always have the perfect thing to say in any situation? Learn from Todd Falcone. He is the undisputed leader in always having the right thing to say. He has been a massive network marketing success story in ever company he has been associated with. As a 21-year veteran of the industry he is a sought-after speaker, trainer and coach helping thousands of people replicate his success story.

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