Network Marketing Prospecting Scripts and Tools

Timing is everything in network marketing prospecting. You may only get one chance to say the right thing or ask the right question. While you don’t want to come off as a robot reading from a script, having a set of quality network marketing prospecting scripts to practice with is smart business. When you have a carefully crafted script and practice the language repeatedly, the right words will roll off your tongue when the time comes to use them.

So where can you get effective network marketing prospecting scripts to practice with? The Little Black Book of MLM Scripts of course! This collection of phone, voicemail, in-person and email scripts from network marketing legend Todd Falcone are worth their weight to gold.

Network marketing prospecting has never been this step-by-step.

  • Need a script for the bank, grocery store or post office? It’s in there.
  • Need a script for generating curiosity in a voicemail message? It’s in there.
  • Need a script for realtors? It’s in there.
  • Need a “short and sweet” email follow-up message? It’s in there.
  • Need the perfect script for the prospect that didn’t show up to a scheduled event? There are three version in there…nice, irritated and fuming mad.

Have you heard the famous sports quote, “The best prepared team usually wins.” The same is true in network marketing prospecting. The best prepared recruiter will succeed where others have failed.

It doesn’t take much preparation to recruit desperate folks. You know, the type that that can’t even afford the monthly autoship and want to sign up without buying any products or training tools.

It does take preparation and the right words to recruit successful professionals. These people have many choices in life. They have a track record of success. AND, they’ve probably said no to dozens of other network marketing prospecting pitches in their lifetimes. The only way to recruit these people is to stand out from the crowd.

Todd Falcone’s Little Black Book of MLM Scripts

It includes prospecting scripts for realtors, mortgage brokers, financial planners, inside and outside sales professionals. These are the types of go-getters, accustomed to working on commission and able to close sales that you want in your business.

Aside from your personal use, high-converting network marketing prospecting scripts can be shared with your entire team. They can form the basis of a self-study and buddy-based practice program. You can transform your team into rockstars by providing them with the training they desperately need to succeed. Be the leader they need you to be and make an investment in the team.

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