How Online Lead Generation Can Increase Student Enrollment Rates

When it comes to internet opportunities, not only the business community has experienced a dramatic change but higher education as well. Because of the availability of online resources and online education programs, student enrollment is brought to a whole new light, something that was once considered inconceivable.

Based on the Consumer Price Index or CPI, many people who are looking for information about certificate programs and university degrees are using the internet to do their search. Approximately 82% of the total respondents stated that they used email, websites, online advertisements and other internet channels to look for education programs. Moreover, a good 84% of the surveyed consumers expressed their belief that the value and reputation of such educational programs are showing a very remarkable progress.

Due to the increased confidence shown by consumers, more and more educational institutions are offering degree programs and courses through the internet. According to a survey conducted by the National Center for Educational Statistics of the US Education Department, distance education courses almost doubled its enrollment rate during the period 1995 to 2001. And now that the internet technology has greatly improved, this number has grown more after a decade.

With the trend shown in the education sector, top educational institutions are using the internet to their advantage by marketing their offers all over the web. The increasing popularity of the internet as a reliable source of information has led marketers to develop strategies that would capture the attention of a wider customer base through internet searches.

A highly targeted approach is possible by using internet marketing strategies for the promotion of both campus-based and online programs. Compared to old practices like recruitment events, college fair enrollment and direct mail campaigns, the methods employed by internet marketers are far more effective and less costly because only the qualified leads acquired will be paid for. And when it comes to measuring success rates, the use of online marketing channels for enrollment programs is a lot easier too.

Without doubt, generating online education leads is an innovative approach in driving enrollment. Using this method would allow educational institutions to save valuable resources like time and effort since the service representatives who are responsible for contacting potential enrollees will only focus on those leads that have a greater likelihood of enrolling in the degree programs and courses offered. It would no longer be hard to convince the prospects because they actually requested to be marketed to the moment they provided the details on the lead generation form. Therefore, it would mean higher conversion rates that would subsequently result to higher enrollment rates.

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