No one strategy will bring in the amounts of traffic you need to drive the sales conversions that will make you a successful, viable online business. A successful online marketing plan requires a mix of components that can be activated, adjusted or discontinued quickly as something that works great one week may not produce results the next. Generating online network marketing leads means reacting quickly to changes and trying a variety of techniques to get results.
A type of viral marketing that drives highly targeted traffic to your website is aggressive article marketing. There are hundreds of high traffic article and resource websites that will accept and post articles for free for a variety of topics.
These directory websites get very strong natural Google search results because they have a long history online combined with highly organized hierarchy, depth of content and lots of text. You can piggyback on this top position and drive significant traffic to your website by getting your articles carried in these directories.
You\’ll need to develop article ideas that will be relevant to your desired target markets and compelling enough for them to click back to you. And then you\’re going to have to submit the articles to the websites that carry them. I have found that aggressive article submission delivers thousands of visits per month to my websites.
There are hundreds of active article directories online currently that accept articles on a free basis. You\’ll have no way of knowing which ones have high traffic or which ones are best in driving traffic, and it would take years of trial and error and countless hours to find the ideal websites.
There are automatic article submission programs that will let you reach out to large numbers of directories with very little manual work. That\’s right, technology is your friend once again. There are a variety of inexpensive tools that make the article creation and submission process a fast, streamlined, efficient process.
I use Automatic Article Submitter to create multiple versions of my articles and post them to over 300 article directories at the click of a button. It even handles the account creation and confirmation process across all the directories. You\’ll receive a lot of confirmations and reminder e-mail back, so open up a separate email account to use as your contact email with the directories. Note that some of the directories do not allow the use of free email addresses such as Google, Hotmail or Yahoo.
Automatic Article Submitter certainly isn\’t your only choice, but it is the one I know best. It was recommended to me and I have been very satisfied. Automatic Article Submitter eliminates repetitive content using a very neat spinner feature. I often use its scheduler to do all my articles at once and then release them to the public throughout the month. The help/FAQ book that comes with it is all you need to get your first article out the same day.
Again, today\’s software packages and resources make it very easy to start article marketing right away. The cost of entry is low, so you can try it out and see if it works for you. If done correctly with some personal assistance and mentoring, you will get your name broadcast across hundreds of websites, and if you spend the time carefully creating good, interesting articles, you will get expert credibility and traffic flowing back to your blog and products.